Tenancy Deposit Defence
Helping landlords to successfully defend a claim on the tenancy's deposit. Call 0330 043 6162Send us an emailDid you protect your tenant’s deposit?
Section 213 of the Housing Act (2004) requires any money taken from a tenant as a security deposit be protected in a Government-approved scheme within 30 days’ of receiving it.
Did your agent fail to protect your tenant’s deposit?
A person acting on behalf of a landlord, such as a letting agent, can be liable under Section 214(4) for any breach of Section 213, but only where the agent was responsible for complying with such provisions. If you have discovered that your agent has failed to protect your tenant’s deposit, you will need to provide evidence that it was your agent’s responsibility to do so.
Can we help you defend a tenancy deposit claim?
What happens after you submit the form
After you complete the form, one of our friendly agents will be in touch to gather any more details and understand more about your case, and they will be able to advise you on the next steps.
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We know that legal issues with your property can be an extremely stressful experience. At LandlordSolicitors.com our experienced landlord solicitors and advisors are ready to help and find a way to resolve your issue. Call us on 0330 043 6162 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation today. LandlordSolicitors.com, 2 Clive House, Prospect Hill, Redditch, B97 4BS.