Bailiff-led evictions will be given the green light in exactly two months… so what does that mean for Landlords?
Stand by for the floodgates of mass eviction, perhaps? Very possibly, according to a report in today’s Property Industry Eye.
But what if there was some Government-led financial assistance for Landlords? Could there be a better way to stem the relentless stream of evictions ahead? Step forward the all-party Housing Communities and Local Government Committee (catchy title!) and their proposal for a much-needed rent relief package.
They have today submitted a 53-page report, urging Ministers to ringfence £300m to help tenants repay the mountain of rent arrears. A sizeable sum maybe, but surely a drop in the ocean compared with crippling public debt to facilitate the impending homeless crisis?
Ben Beadle, chief exec of The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), welcomed the report, saying ‘a proper exit plan for the private rented sector’ was needed, and called for ‘action to tackle rent debts built as a result of the pandemic.’
Promising news for the private Landlords, who have had very little recourse for the past year, since the ban was imposed. There is no doubt however, that there could be substantial delays in the eviction process, due to the sheer volume of cases being brought.
A glimmer of good news for Landlords, perhaps is that County Court Judges have recently started to grant leave to enforce Orders for Possession. “Substantial rent arrears” or non-payment of rent for six months or more will satisfy the criteria to issue eviction proceedings.
Landlord Solicitors are experienced in navigating the winding and often worrying path of eviction proceedings. It’s our mission to make it as seamless as possible for our clients. If you would like an informal discussion as to how we can help you initiate eviction proceedings, then please get in touch.